Reduce your images by up to 200 times without losing quality.
There are many products on the market that can convert CMYK images to RBG. But when they compress and store this RGB data there is a distortion of the image and a subtle change in the colour. Then if the RBG is decompressed and converted back to CMYK, this distortion and colour change is made even worse. This is a big problem in the commercial world of graphic art, and can cause great headaches and embarrassment for businesses and clients. What you need is a lossless utility like Pixel-Zip. As you might be able to gather by now, Pixel-Zip is an image compressor/decompressor especially designed for graphic artists and sectors related to using especially large images.
Pixel-Zip has been specifically designed for maximum lossless compression while removing noise and graining. This can actually improve and enhance the image rather than distort it.
Pixel-Zip supports 16-bit and native CMYK modes, and its compression algorithms are customized to reduce the size of the file by up to 200 times, keeping maximum image and colour quality and retention.
So there you have it. If you want a piece of raster image compression software specifically designed for graphic arts, then you need a program like this Pixel-Zip. And best of all is that you can download it for free! What are you waiting for?
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